$99 $49.50

Life Maed Easy Goody Bag

Life Maed Easy Goody Bag

$99 $49.50

This is a collection of Life Maed Easy's most popular and impactful workshops.

These workshops will help you manage your lifestyle, your commitments and your productivity so that you have more time for the activities and people that you love.

Life is always going to happen so it's up to you to proactively avoid burnout. These workshops will help you work smarter, love yourself harder and commit to creating a life that benefits Future You.

This collection has a $189 value. Here are the 9 workshops that are included.

  1. A Beginner's Intro to Notion
  2. Track Your Way 2 Success 2020
  3. Track Your Way 2 Success 2021
  4. Gmail Inbox Makeover
  5. How to Create + Sustain Healthy Habits (Habits Maed Easy)
  6. How to Use Your MacBook Like a Pro
  7. Alleviate Stress with Effective Project Planning
  8. Reclaim Your Time with Calendly
  9. Digital Housekeeping 101

As a bonus, you'll also receive the Productivity Power Pack, a written guide of tips + tricks for avoiding burnout, boosting your productivity and increasing your focus.

This collection is hosted in Notion. To get started, you'll import the collection into your Notion workspace so that you have lifetime access.


"If I could choose one thing Mae introduced me to that changed my life, it would be Notion. Literally life changing. Her Notion webinar breaks everything down in simple steps and her templates are everything. Life Maed Easy indeed." - Mychal on The Beginner's Intro to Notion

"I'm loving your content and have dived head first into arranging my life through Notion - I love it! You've also inspired me to get back into habit tracking so thank you for that!" - Kathy on The Beginner's Intro to Notion

"My favorite part is Queen Mae's authenticity and sharing of her raw self. She uses real examples, from real life experiences, and doesn't shy away from vulnerability. It's hard to find on the internet/socials these days, which is why I am a proud supporter! She shows me how I wish to engage as a brand, and isn't afraid of taking risks!" -Nenelwa on Track Your Way 2 Success

"As someone who is super scattered, the way you set up your list in chronological order instead of tasks was particularly helpful for me. The most mind-bending lesson I took away from this workshop was to time block space to work on my project, where ever I may be in my list. I never knew that an ordered list could give me such peace of mind!" - Eliza on the Project Planning Masterclass

"Maed it actionable, it was easy for us to do. It was very interactive, loved that people hopped in to help each other. Felt like a collective effort. Felt super organized. You did a great job at redirecting additional information and the flow was so well thought out." - Candace on Habits Maed Easy

"Thanks so much for your session! I appreciate that you allowed time to write and reflect. Also I really like how you broke it down. Sometimes it seems like I have too many goals and I get overwhelmed and just don't even start. or fail immediately. I feel like how you laid it all out it was not overwhelming at all, tangible, and doable in the micro steps! I have read things and watched videos/listened to podcasts about goal setting in the past. You have a slightly different take on it which really resonated with me!" - Sherri on on Habits Maed Easy

"I love how you break down a goal into sustainable habits instead of just action steps. That’s a new approach for me. Simply tackling one task after the other (booooring) has never worked for me, so the idea of creating new habits to achieve my goals really really excites me (and my ADHD brain)." - Sira on Habits Maed Easy

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A collection of 9 interactive workshops designed to help you create freedom, structure and ease. (Total value of $189.99)

Workshop | Intro to Notion
Workshop | Track Your Way 2 Success
Workshop | Gmail Inbox Makeover
Workshop | How to Create Healthy Habits
Workshop | Use Your MacBook Like a Pro
Workshop | Project Planning Masterclass
Workshop | Reclaim Your Time w. Calendly
Workshop | Digital Housekeeping 101
Bonus | Productivity Power Pack
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